We Increase Your Impact Through Visual Storytelling


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Tips and Techniques: Filming Yourself Like a Pro

Are you wanting to put out content for your business or share your clients’ stories with your community, but aren’t sure how to make it look good? Creating short videos with your Smart Phone is actually quick and easy, and we have a few tips for you that will help make a great, simple video.

Step 1: Audio is King!

Good audio is very important if you want people to watch your video. Make sure you are in a quiet spot. Check that there aren’t any fans, loud heaters, buzzing appliances, barking dogs, music or any ambient noise outside (ambulance, plane flying over, train etc) that will affect the overall sound. If possible, turn everything off before filming. If something noisy happens while filming, stop and reshoot when it’s quiet again.

Step 2: Keep It Simple and Comfortable

What to wear? Something you feel comfortable in. A shirt that isn’t too busy. No hats or anything that will cast a shadow over your eyes. Glasses are fine. Please try to find a place that has decent lighting where your face is well lit and that your light source is in front of you. Facing a window but not right next to it is a good option. For example:


That way we can see your beautiful face! This is an example of what NOT​ to do:


If you are filming with your phone please make sure it’s in the horizontal position rather than vertical. It would be great if you can prop it on something to avoid camera shake. If that’s not possible, it’s completely okay.


One last thing to be aware of is if anything is behind or around you that would look strange or could potentially distract the viewer. For example a standing lamp that could look like it’s protruding from your head.

Erin Preston